

HNP (Herniated Nucleus Pulposes) at a glance

Our spinal bones are separated by discs filled with a soft, gelatinous substance, which provide cushioning to the spinal column. HNP, also known as a slipped discs or bulging discs,  happens when all or part of the soft center of a spinal disc is forced through a weakened part of the disc and pinching nerve. Major causes of HNP are disc degeneration and aging, but it can also from performing jobs that require constant sitting, lifting, and driving.
Here is the sample MRI images for HNP:

Source: Internet

Source: Internet

This is my MRI showing my huge Bulging disc on L4-L5

If u know about HNP, i bet you will be wondering how come with my level of herniated disc i can still ride my bike for hundreds of kilometers.

More about HNP:
-Spinal Disc Herniation from Wiki
-Herniated Disc by Apta
-Diagnosing Disc Problem
-What's a Herniated Disc?

What did i do to overcome my HNP?

1. I go to chiropractor 3 times a week for 6 months.
2. I eat healthy food meaning: less sugar, less oil and fried food, more inflammatory food.
3. I ride my bike 3 times a week for first 2 months, and as i feel better, i start increasing the intensity to 5 times a week.
4. Loosing weight ( i lost 23kg now).
5. Stretching everyday (this is one of the most important things).

Things You should know about Inflammatory Food:
-Inflammatory Food
-The Healing Kitchen

Stretching and Exercises that i do everyday:
-Angry Cat  (this is a must)

Disclaimer: Plz consult your doctor before doing any exercises or programs.

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