

Here is the story of my cycling journey:

At the age of 33 i was diagnosed to have HNP or bulging disc on L4-L5. It was painfull like hell. Everytime i step on my right leg, i will feel pain from the bottom of my right feet to my right lower back. it is painful when i sit, when i stand, and when i sleep. Surgery was one option that cross to my mind, but when i was having a vacation in United States, i met a chiropractor that told me some people can get rid of HNP symptoms by strengthening core muscles, eat healthy (especially inflammatory food), doing sports regularly (no running, swimming preferred), losing weight (i was 100 kg back then), and the most important thing is STRETCHING.
At that time, cycling was a bomb in Indonesia, so i ask my chiropractor whether with my current condition i can do cycling, and he said that i have to give it a try and listen to my body. If the pain goes away, then i can continue, but if the pain getting worst, i have to stop cycling.
So i gamble with myself, i went to Helen's Cycles,one of the biggest bike shop in California, bought a Canondale supersix evo that was on sale, and start riding.
For the first month, i RIDE 3 times a week, Eat HEALTHY, and STRETCHING everyday. I feel better, and starting to feel less painfull. So i keep doing it again and again and again with some increase in cycling intensity and distance. As the result, after a year, i lost 15kg, no more pain, no more tingling, and more stamina. I barely sick, and more energetic. It seems like cycling has restore me back to my physical and mental wholeness.  
I hope that my story will give courage to people who suffer HNP to overcome the symptoms, and not giving up. HNP is not the end of the world.
I still riding my bike now, and i become obsessed with it. I joined Surabaya Road Bike Community, and looking for every new chapter in my life as a cyclist.


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