
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Is cycling the right sport for me?

A lot of my friends asking this question to me. They want to know what i seek and what i gain from my "crazyness" in cycling. People often questioning whether spending hours of time on bike will bring any good to them. Some can't tolerate the risk of accidents that may occur, and for some, they can't bear the "suffer" of pedalling on a bike.
Here are my reasons to be a cycling fanatic:
  1. Cycling keeps me healthy.
    With my HNP condition, i need to maintain Core muscles strength and body weight. One of the biggest achievements is
    i have the best blood test in the last 15 years. no "stars" at all. 
  2. Social Responsibility. Cycling builds my character also shows other's character. We can know the quality of a person through cycling because it requires consistency, punctuality, honesty, solidarity, and loyalty.
  3. Calories Burner. on long rides, i can burn more than 3000 calories.
  4. I can go to Special places where no car can go.
  5. Cycling is like a therapy to me where i can think about life, perhaps it's a Zen-like experience. For some it can be a good time to think about business plans =)
  6. Networking. I meet new people from many different places that i never think of. Although some can be a pain in the ass, but some can be an even better than family like friends.
  7. Jason Gay from Wall Street Journal once interviewed Robin Williams several years ago about what he likes so much about cycling, and Robin said "Because it is wonderful and true, and it is the closest you can get to flying".
    What about you? do you think cycling is the right thing to do for sport?